They looked like they knew each other, perhaps even travelling together, but no, they had only met a few minutes ago here at boarding gate 25 in an airport somewhere in Texas. The only thing they had in common - until now - was the ensuing flight to London.

Surrounded by a sea of iPads, cell phone, earphones and the like, these strangers were becoming friends, sharing stories of far away places, daring culinary adventures, cultural awakenings and inspiring friendships they have forged along the way. In some way I felt strangely invited to share a sneak peak of their adventures.

Surrounded by a sea of iPads, cell phone, earphones and the like, these strangers were becoming friends, sharing stories of far away places, daring culinary adventures, cultural awakenings and inspiring friendships they have forged along the way. In some way I felt strangely invited to share a sneak peak of their adventures.
Something about the lady with the Italian accent intrigued me. She was pulling a strange looking trolley so I asked her about it. "Where are you from?" she asked, curious about my accent. She wasn't familiar with Johannesburg, South Africa per se, but at the mention of it her face lit up with a beautiful memory, so she told me about it.
About twenty years ago she went on a tour of Germany. At times the ladies were separated from the men. This afforded her the opportunity to meet - and subsequently befriend - a young lady from Johannesburg, South Africa. She told me how they just seem to connect, and actually became quite good friends. The farewell was a sad one but the memories sweet. However, twenty years ago social media was not yet as mainstream as it is now, and so, as a result, they had lost touch. She did not remember her name anymore but she remembered this:
About twenty years ago she went on a tour of Germany. At times the ladies were separated from the men. This afforded her the opportunity to meet - and subsequently befriend - a young lady from Johannesburg, South Africa. She told me how they just seem to connect, and actually became quite good friends. The farewell was a sad one but the memories sweet. However, twenty years ago social media was not yet as mainstream as it is now, and so, as a result, they had lost touch. She did not remember her name anymore but she remembered this:
"She was such a kind, kind young woman. I will never forget how kind she was."
I wonder if this mystery woman and friend would ever know the lasting impression she made on my fellow traveler... even twenty years later...
And I couldn't help but wonder how will I be remembered...

And I couldn't help but wonder how will I be remembered...
"And walk in love, [esteeming and delighting in one another] as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a slain offering and sacrifice to God [for you, so that it became] a sweet fragrance." (Ephesians 5:2 AMP)The kind woman from Johannesburg has left a lasting legacy. What about you? How will you be remembered?

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