Seven years ago Gemma Sheridan and two of her friends set out for, what was supposed to be, the greatest adventure ever. Starting from their home town of Liverpool, they were going to cross the Atlantic Ocean, pass through the Panama Canal into the Pacific Ocean, and on to the exotic island of Hawaii. And then things did not go according to plan... Not at all!
Following a series of traumatic events, including the loss of her two friends, Gemma was the sole survivor of their shipwrecked ordeal. Washed up on some deserted island, everything became about survival. In the earlier days Gemma had made a 10 foot SOS sign on the beach, but since no planes had flown over the island, it did not help. One thing Gemma did not do was give up. She spent much time building an even bigger sign in the hope that some day someone will find her.
Finally, seven years later something else also did not go according to plan - not Gemma's plan, anyway.