Purchasing author copy

Hello, and welcome! Thank you for visiting my website.

If you are reading this, you are looking for more information on how to get your hands on a copy of 
Let Your Heart Take Flight: Parables for our modern age.

You've come to the right place!

*Shipping not included

You can order your copy(ies) in just 3 easy steps!

1.      Using the CONTACT FORM to the right of your screen, please provide me with

Name and Surname
E-mail address
Shipping address (RSA) - Cost of shipping anywhere in South Africa R73 (tracking no. will be provided)

2.      PAYMENT can be made to

L de Witt
First National Bank
Account no: 62303426432
Reference: (Your name)

3.      Please send the PROOF OF PAYMENT to letyourhearttakeflight@gmail.com

Book(s) will be shipped upon receipt of payment to the address provided, therefore please ensure that it is correct.

I enjoy signing your book, so please indicate for me who I should make it out to (and if you would like me to write anything in particular).

I would like to use this opportunity to THANK YOU for your support, and allowing me to use my creative gift to make a difference in your life. May you be blessed indeed!